Marketing & Advertising Strategist, Digital & Social Media

{ #SocialMedia Managers } 

10 years ago, Social Media Managers were probably non-existent. When I was in college, I didn’t think to myself “when I graduate I want to be a social media manager”. However, in 2017 almost every company has one or a social team.

According to a Google Trends search, the term “social media manager” is one of the most popular searches. At the beginning of 2007, the term was less than 1% popular in the United States, but in March 2017 it peaked in popularity due to an interest spike. This leads me to conclude that businesses now understand the correlation between managing a successful online marketing strategy versus just posting content online. In walks the Social Media Manager.

Why are social media managers so important today?

#1: Time Savers

Social Media Managers create the most value to brands by saving them time. The dynamic world of social media can be overwhelming to anyone. Every month there's a new update, a new ad format, or a new feature. How can you keep up? Having a dedicated social guru can help brands ease into the social world like a pro. We usually handle all of the time-consuming tasks of the online/social strategy, e.g., content creation, campaign execution, community management, brand management, social listening, analytics, and reporting.

::15 Social Media Management Tools That Can Help Your Business Thrive::

#2: Natural Brand Managers

Social Media Managers understand consumer behavior and use it to capitalize on social with campaigns that deliver KPIs. There is no way to control how consumers will engage online, but we're pretty good at influencing their behavior. We can master the voice of the brand, manage social relationships, and improve brand consistency through content strategies. We see social as a repository data hub that can influence strategies, improve brand awareness, and establish loyalty. 

"A Social Media Manager is integral to any online marketing strategy. They understand the way people think, act, and behave because at the very crux of social media are consumers and by developing strong relationships with them, increases leads and sales."
- Daniel, Social Media College

#3: Data Lovers

Social Media Managers improve campaign results drastically with social networking tools that help uncover trends and new audiences. Metrics are a large part of social media and data must be monitored daily for effectiveness. It's easy for a social media manager to analyze data because we're data junkies. We understand how to track conversations around specific phrases in order to leverage them for opportunities, i.e., optimizing campaigns or creating additional content for new audiences. We also speak emoji 😉.

::16 Reasons Why Your Brand Needs Social Media Marketing::

Want to learn more about social media management or how you can get started in a social career, leave a comment below.


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